Why Packaging Matters

Why Packaging Matters


Why Packaging Matters

Your product’s packaging has a far greater purpose than just protecting what’s inside from possible damage. It is meant to ultimately communicate your brand to your target audience—to visually show what your brand stands for and what’s in it for your customers.

According to research conducted by a Cincinnati-based firm, 95 percent of new products introduced to the market fail even during the introductory phase. Why? The majority of consumers do not choose to spend a lot of time weighing a product’s advantages and disadvantages during the buying process. Instead, they often take the easiest route to make a decision—your product’s packaging.

Are you familiar with Tiffany & Co.’s Robin’s Egg Blue packaging? It is so iconic that the box has become more recognizable and notable than the product itself.

Packaging is a visual and tactile representation of your brand. It tells why your product and brand is different from your competitors. It can also directly impact your business’s overall appeal and can, therefore, improve sales.

Colors Affect Buying Decisions

For many years, experts have been studying the direct relationship between colors and the purchasing process. Color is an integral part of designing the product or the packaging because it is said to elicit a myriad of emotions. “Color has a transformative power that can build connections in the minds of consumers and even elevate or evoke certain moods,” explained Dee Schlotter, senior color marketer of PPG Industries, Inc.

Packaging Strengthens the Product’s Perceived Value

The perceived value is the customers’ conception of whether the product is worthy of their purchase and whether it is going to meet their expectations. No, it is not about the cost of the commodity. Your product’s positioning from an economical standpoint should be aligned with your packaging and design. Simply put, your packaging is the forefront of what your product is worth.

Packaging That Makes an Impact

How can you make your product stand out from the competition? It’s simple—you need a design that is recognizable and memorable. In the process of designing and creating your product’s packaging, you have to consider some important factors so you can capture the interest of your audience, make them buy, and make them want to purchase over and over again.

First, you have to fundamentally identify your target market and its demographics. If you’re targeting men aged 35 and above, Tiffany & Co.’s stark white and robin’s egg blue colors will not work for your brand.

Apart from making your packaging look stylish and personalized, you might also want to consider making it part of the unboxing experience. Take Apple as a perfect example. People love unboxing Apple products not just because the packaging is sleek but also because it’s user-friendly and easy to facilitate.

Lastly, environment-friendly packaging has become a major trend in the industry. In fact, most of the modern consumers prefer products packed using recyclable or reusable materials. They are most likely to base their purchasing decisions on whether a brand’s packaging has a positive social and environmental impact.

Now, what’s next for you? You can choose to stick to the status quo of using conventional packaging that does not really attract, or you can reach out to us so we can help you create a lasting impression.